Slide The Iran Project supports principled diplomacy to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and avert military conflict in the Middle East.

WHO WE ARE. The Iran Project is a network of leaders from across American political, diplomatic, military, and scholarly communities who support principled diplomacy to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and avert a military conflict in the Middle East.

The Project’s work places an emphasis on educating and engaging policymakers and the broader public about how solutions reached through diplomacy serve to advance U.S. national security and the interests of our allies and partners.

WHAT WE DO. As a forum for policy analysis and dialogue, the Iran Project seeks to build support for restoring tight constraints on Iran’s nuclear program, reducing the risk of another dangerous and costly war in the region, and generating policy options that advance nuclear nonproliferation and international security more broadly.

HOW WE WORK. The Iran Project draws on the unique voluntary participation of dozens of highly respected, experienced, and independent practitioners in the fields of international affairs, U.S. foreign policy, and national security — some of whom have been working together as a closely knit team for over two decades.

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